Saturday, November 30, 2013


Old Boy
Hunger Games (2)

I used to live in the same dormitory as Spike Lee. My roommate, in fact, became part of his crew at the very beginning of his career. I've never liked any of his movies, except as he got older. I even like the flaws. Even though Old Boy is a pretty awful movie in every way --- based on a foreign movie apparently, which I haven't seen --- I still enjoyed it and felt it was worth seeing. Apparently distributors don't because it's hardly showing anywhere, but compared to the absolute drek of Hollywood in general, a pretty awful movie by Spike Lee is better than anything put out by the studios, with the exception, of course, of Gravity.

Also The Hunger Games (2) pretty much makes up for the horrible first one, which made you nauseous but not because of the story.

STOP SHAKING THE CAMERA!  It doesn't make anything feel immediate or intense. What makes for intensity is real emotion.