Another pussified movie, where the men are all basically girls and the girls are young women, but not women. What I can't understand about modern, presumably young writers (this is Miss Tulip's only credit), is their fear of germs. There is much too much made over the fact that the dork to the left and Drew Barrymore, (who needs to start being more selective, or switch to theatre), begin to have sex on the dining room table of her sister's home. The sister, Christina Applegate, behaves in the script as if some sort of nuclear device scattered radiation on the table. She gets into full combat cleaning gear and starts scrubbing the table, and with her heavy latex gloved hands, removes a possible pubic hair and almost pukes.
These sorts of gimmicks are supposed to be funny, but they're only funny to people who laugh at anything that's put in front of them. This got a 6.5 on IMDB which is pretty good for how actually bad it is.